Fiscal Old Quaint Idea by Davy Crockett

The idea of Fiscal Responsibility expressed by Davy Crockett while a Congressman is as true today as then. The term OPM stands for Other People's Money. In his address to Congress he simply said he could not vote a bill to give $20,000 to local Georgetown victims of a fire.His basis for being unable to vote for the bill was that the Constitution did not give Congress the power to spend tax money on charity. He went on to say that though not voting for the Bill he would give a week's pay to help these unfortunate folks. He told Congress that all of the members were free to give a week's pay or as much of their own money as they wanted.

The concept that Congress can just redirect taxpayer money as they see fit is flawed. The main flaw is that IT IS NOT THEIR MONEY TO GIVE.

In this video of Rand Paul, one of the few Senators I find anything with which I can agree, gives a modern version of Davy Crockett's speech. In this version he is talking about $40,000,000,000 to Ukraine and the dishonesty of just throwing it on the tab of the US Taxpayers. That is very definition of fiscal irresponsibility…why is Congress so willing to give away money? BECAUSE IT IS OPM. 

I am sickened by the fiscal nightmare that the US Congress has become. Hell, it isn't even considered remotely wrong any longer but by a handful of men and women in Congress who still believe in and adhere to the US Constitution.

Rand asks why not just raise the gas tax and pay for  the gift or raise taxes by $500 epr person. Actually paying through taxation mechanisms would be honest. But do the taxpayers want  to give Ukraine $40,000,000,000? I doubt that. Congress is there to represent the people of their Districts and States. They have abandoned any such quaint notion in favor of DOING AS THEY PLEASE.

Watch the video and see if you can't find much to agree with in Rand's sound Constitutional thinking.

God Bless the United States and God HELP the United States in this time of constant lies and crimes by our elected Congress and Senate. It is truly shameful and unrecognizable, Davy Crockett is rolling over in his coon skin cap.


Donn Marier

DM-Your Own CFO

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